Sunday, July 14, 2013

Coconut/Honey Skincare Recipe. Part two

This week I am linking up with Creative Christian Mama at her Whatever Weekend link up

I tried the coconut milk hair wash yesterday and found it a little too greasy after it dried. I decided to add more aloe vera to the mix and a little water and will see how it is tomorrow. Having naturally dry hair I think it was almost right but a little tweaking will probably do the trick. If you have naturally greasy hair this probably wouldn't be the right hair cleansing method to try.
The positive is that my scalp is dandruff free!!!!!

As for my skin, I also thought the coconut pulp (which can be saved from making coconut milk), and honey mix was pretty good but added more honey to it and tried it today. My skin is smooth but a little less oily from the coconut.

The mixture looks a lot like applesauce. I decided to put part of it in the freezer to keep for another time.

So here is the recipe

Approx. 1/4 cup left over coconut pulp from making coconut milk
10 drops of tea tree oil
3 to 4 Tbsp of manuka or raw honey.

Apply to face with tips of fingers- just note a little bit goes a long way and the coconut pulp can be a bit messy.
Leave on your face for approx. 10 min.
Wash of with warm water.

I am going to have to try the ice cube tray trick for the hair wash and maybe the face mask too. That way you only pop out one small portion at a time and let it melt to use for the day.

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